2go Latest Version 7.1.3 | 2go Download from www.2go.im: Here is a comprehensive and straight to the point guide on 2go latest version 7.0.3 downloads from 2go website (www.2go.im). This latest version is similar to Whatsapp. Good enough, WhatsApp just launched a new version that allows users to make calls as well as Video-chat.
How Can I recover My 2go Account Password
Official website for 2go: www.2go.im NOT www.2go.com
Recovering your 2go.com password is as easy as following the tutorials on how to recover your 2go password below;
Visit www.2go.im and not www.2go.com
Select the Help category on top of the site
Select help No 5 (Login, Profile problems and password)
Select the i lost my password
Follow the little tutorials listed there and you are done
NB: You will have to complete the recovery of your www.2go.im password on your mobile devices.
2go 7.5 New features.
All 2go lovers, there’s finally good news for you all! Most people prefer the 2go interactive mobile application to Whatsapp but kept pleading with the guys at www.2go.im of improve their features to enable much faster delivery system and to boost smooth chat between friends and loved ones.
Well, 2go.im has just done that with lots of added visible features which happens to be a great improvement upon the former 3.9 version of 2go.
I logged in to my 2go account today (which has really been a while I did) and I was so impressed with the new development the guys at 2go did.
Firstly, I immediately logged in, I saw the big fat 2go logo and rightly underneath it was 2go 5.0 version (v7.0.2) and I was like hmmm, this will be interesting.
The new features takes the previous Navigation bar off the roof as it adds a new Icon to the stock tagged “Switch Account” and “Connecting”
Below are the new features listed in the 2go v.5.0.2 on Java phones.
– Chats (Notifies you of all current chats that you are currently into with friends and loved ones.
This now also notifies you of offline notifications)
What’s New in Chat: You won’t believe this: 2go 5.0.3 now gives you delivery status of your message same way Whatsapp does. WhatsApp shows a “correct-like mark” on every delivered messages – 2go now shows a “correct-like mark” on all sent messages to your contact. So, it’s easier to now know which message has been sent and delivered unlike before. This is so cool.
– Friends (List of all your friends, both online and offline) You also get to know which friends have offline notification enables with a bluish icon.
What’s New: You see which friends appear online, which of the message you sent to friends offline gets delivered and same friend-list settings still applies.
– 2go Rooms (Here is where you get to chat with people of like-minds like sports, education, music, etc)
– My Profile
– 2go News
– Get GoCredits – 2go Market place
– Settings – Basic settings applies
– Switch Accounts (NEW) – You can switch between multiple accounts as this will log you out and take you directly to the login page for another to login or you can do the same.
– Connecting (NEW) – Shows you the connectivity strength of your mobile device and network operator. Once you see this bar, it signifies that the 2go app is still connecting.
Now, I will also be showing you how to download 2go version 7.0 (v7.0.2) on your java phones, android phones, and all smart phones including Blackberry and HTC. Mind you, the current 2go 6.0 has only been rolled out for JAVA phones like Nokia and other JAVA enabled devices. This same version also applies to 2go for PC.

There are two ways of getting the new improved version: These ways applies to New 2go users and Old 2go Users.
NEW 2go USERS, follow this Tutorial
STEP 1: To download 2go 6.0, visit www.2go.im and not www.2go.com (2go.com belongs to an invoice company based in USA)
PLEASE NOTE: www.2go.im is the official 2go download page.
STEP 2: When on the webpage, click on the download icon to initiate the download process.
STEP 3: Select your phone model and download the app.
STEP 4: Allow the app to finish downloading 2go 6.0 and click on OPEN.
STEP 5: Fill in the information bar that applies which includes your Country, unique password, phone number and user name.
Please note this: Your user name cannot be changed. It’s permanent. Only your password can be changed. This can be found under the setting section on 2go app.
STEP 6: Allow 2go to initiate and load.
STEP 7: Sit back, relax and enjoy the fun.
Download Latest Version of 2go for Mobile >>Here<<
Download Latest Version of 2go for Desktop PC >>Here<<
Download Latest Version of 2go for Blackberry Mobile >>Here<<
Download Latest Version of 2go for Android OS >>Here<<
Download Latest Version of 2go for Apple iOS >>Here<<
OLD 2go USERS, follow this Tutorial
STEP 1: Visit where the 2go icon is on your JAVA enabled devices
STEP 2: press “Options” on your mobile device and click “Update version”
STEP 3: Allow the update to initiate and run as it will redirects you to 2go main site.
STEP 4: Choose on the version you want to update to (NEW / OLD) – Newest version is 2go 5.0.2
STEP 5: Click on NEW and allow the update to initiate.
STEP 6: Allow the app to keep your existing data (all through the download, hit the YES bar that appears)
STEP 7: After download, login to your new 2go v7.0.2 and enjoy the 2go 7.0 – Whatsapp Experience!
If you are stuck or run into any challenges, drop your comment below for us to rectify.
Check out 2go Download, sign up from 2go.im or get a feel of the 2go 6.0 features and download.
That is it on 2go Download 2020 – 2go Latest Version 7.1.3 | 2go Download from www.2go.im.
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