How To List An Item On Facebook Marketplace

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Selling on facebook marketplace – Not every facebook user knows about the facebook marketplace talk of how to list an item for sell on marketplace.

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Facebook marketplace is a free marketing platform where facebook users can advertise and sell things to people within their immediate environment without paying a dime of their hard-earned dollars.

How To List An Item On Facebook Marketplace

This facebook post is all about listing something for sale on facebook marketplace.

Interestingly, how to list an item on facebook marketplace entails the process of adding the products you want to sell on facebook market.

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It is a term used to describe the processing of selling products on facebook market.

How to sell something on facebook marketplace is very simple and easy.

Fortunately, this article will expose to the techniques you need to follow to find facebook marketplace and list your products for sale.

So if you’re a facebook user and looking for a guide on how to find facebook marketplace, this article got you covered.

If you’re among the over 3.2 billion active facebook users and uses the facebook marketplace to buy and sell stuff, when you sell something on Facebook Marketplace, you create a public listing that can be seen by anyone on Marketplace and in Facebook News Feed, search and other places on or off Facebook.

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However, it is important to note here that all listings on Facebook Marketplace and buy and sell groups must follow the facebook Commerce Policies.

If you fail to abide by those facebook commerce rules and regulations, you’ll end up getting banned from using the free facebook market.

This facebook post is all about how to list items on marketplace and sell your products without stress.

Searches related to how to list items for sale on facebook marketplace: how to post on facebook marketplace as a business, how to post an item for sale on facebook timeline, facebook marketplace rules for sellers, how to sell on facebook free, facebook marketplace settings, best selling items on facebook marketplace 2024, what products sell the most on facebook, facebook marketplace rules return policy

How do I sell an item on Facebook Marketplace?

To be able to use the facebook marketplace, you’ll need to first and foremost access facebook marketplace on your facebook newsfeed or on facebook app.

You can equally use the link to figure out if you’re eligible to have access to marketplace on facebook.

If you’re eligible to access marketplace on facebook, you’ll be taken to the facebook marketplace community.

Now, you can use the free marketing platform to buy and sell anything of your choice.

Here is how to sell on facebook marketplace:

  1. Log onto your Facebook profile
  2. Go to the left column of your Facebook newsfeed and you should see the facebook marketplace
  3. Click on the facebook marketplace icon and you’ll be taken to the free marketing community
  4. On the facebook market, locate and click on the +sell something option
  5. Next, click item for sale option and you’ll be taken to the marketplace page where you’ll be prompted to write a brief description of your products and also upload a clear picture of the product
  6. Now, you’ll need to type a title for your marketplace listing, the price of your item, your location and a category for the item (example: Furniture, Baby & Kids). You can also add a description. Bear in mind that to mark an item as Free on facebook marketplace, you can enter 0 as the price.
  7. To add the pictures of your item, locate and click + 10 Photos to upload a photo of your item from your computer.
  8. Lastly, scroll down the page and click Post. Note that peradventure the post is grayed out that you’ll need to ensure you’ve included a title, price, location, photo, and category.

That is how to list an item for sale on facebook marketplace using your desktop computer.

If however, you’re using your smartphone to access facebook app, you’ll need to follow the below guide to list items for sale.

How To Sell Things On Facebook App

The process involved in how to sell something on facebook marketplace using the FB app is a bit different than the process you undertake on your personal computer.

Here how to sell things on facebook app using your smartphone:

  1. Locate and tap on the marketplace app on your smartphone
  2. Tap on the menu button at the bottom of the facebook app if you’re using iPhone and at the top right corner if you’re using android phone
  3. Locate and tap on the marketplace button on the page that appears. Bear in mind that you may need to click on the see more option if you cannot see the facebook marketplace option
  4. Locate and tap on the Sell option at the top of the facebook app page
  5. Now, tap Items.
  6. Next, tap Add Photos to add photos from your camera roll or take a new photo.
  7. Enter the info about your item, and make sure to select at least one Category.
  8. You’ll need to tap on the Next button. This button can be located in the top right corner of the page. Perhaps you do not see the Next button, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve added a title, price, and category. To mark an item as Free, you can enter 0 as the price.
  9. Note that if you so choose, you can select more places to list your item (example: buy and sell groups, your Facebook profile).
  10. Finally, scroll down the page and tap on the Publish button.

That is how to list things for sale on facebook marketplace using your smartphone.

But what if after listing your products for sale on facebook marketplace you discovered there are things you need to include to the items, how would you go about editing your listing on facebook marketplace?

Well, facebook marketplace has a feature that lets edit listing on the free marketing platform.

To edit a product you’ve listed for sale on facebook, do the following:

  1. Go to your Facebook account by logging in via
  2. Click on the marketplace option at the left column of the facebook newsfeed
  3. Next, locate at the top left column of the facebook market platform and click Selling
  4. Now, locate and click on the Manage button. This option is located next to the item you’d like to view or edit
  5. After performing step 4 above, go ahead and click on the Edit Post option.
  6. Lastly, you’ll need to edit your item’s details on the facebook market and then click Post.

That is how to edit your listing on facebook marketplace.

I hope How To List An Item On Facebook Marketplace was helpful.

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