Psychology of life

Psychology of life

I was five or six years old when this incident happened. Back then my older sister and her boyfriend (ex boyfriend now) would pick me up sometimes because my dad would go to work saturdays and sundays, anyway in this specific sunday she picked me up like they normally did and that day her boyfriend had a soccer game so naturally she took me there to give him some support, she also took me to a big event for kids and they were selling a bunch of toys and food so she bought me a toy for me. The day went by really quickly because it was already 6:00 p.m. and I was supposed to go back home around 8:00 p.m.

So we went back to my dad’s house to eat something and just spend the last two hours that we have left. We ate and I left the table and went upstairs to my room to play with my toys. A hour has passed and this is the moment when I hear a bunch of noises coming from down stairs but I just ignored it and I went back to playing with my toys.

After a few minutes have passed that’s when I hear my sister yelling my name and telling me to come downstairs quickly but of course I ignored her calls because I just didn’t want to intervene, and here’s the thing is that I didn’t know what was happening but I did understand that she was in danger because of the tone of her voice.

She kept screaming my name and was even asking for help, that’s when I decided to get out of my room and see what was going on with her and her boyfriend and what I saw really made me feel really scared.

He was grabing my sister’s hair and throwing her against the furniture that my dad had in his living room and I just saw him throw her against the couch and all this stuff and for the few seconds that I was out of my room I can see how painful it was for my sister, her eyes were full of tears in her eyes and I could see how she just wanted the situation to already end.

Unfortunately I didn’t help her and I went back to my room but only to cry and not to play anymore, I didn’t know what to do at the moment because the phone was downstairs and I knew that if I went there it was very possible that he would harm me too and I wasn’t taking that risk.

After that day I blame myself for what happened and I even get really angry at myself for not doing anything to help her even a little bit. I regret that I didn’t have the guts to get one of the biggest and hardest toys that I had and throw it at him as hard as my six year old self could and just try to knock him down for a little bit to get some help and run away but I was just a coward little girl who was selfish all because I didn’t want to get hurt.

That is the one thing that I witnessed that I wish I could’ve done something to help her.

Thank you for reading this and take care!!!

Update: Hello everybody, I was reading some of the comments recently and some of you have a few questions, so I wanted to answer a few of them.

Someone asked me what happened to her later? to answer to you honestly, I don’t know, she took me back to my mom’s house and left. I don’t know if she told my dad about it but nobody told me anything after that incident. What I can say for sure is that I didn’t see her for a couple of weeks after that.

Someone also asked where was my dad at the time? I think he was at work since he used to work almost everyday for twelve hours, that’s the reason why my dad would ask her if she could pick me up and take care of me until he came back home.

Someone also asked how is my sister doing now? She is doing quite fine, she is living a pretty happy and hectic life not that she has five kids and a dog. She is also happily married too.

I’m pretty sure some are wondering what happened to her ex, well I’m not sure what happened to him after that day but my sister did tell me that they broke up after a few weeks or months, I’m not really sure. She said that after they broke up it got worse. He would break all her car windows, stalk her, harass her at work (the harassment was so bad that she would get fired from most of her jobs), he also tempered with her car; so she would crash her car or be severely injured. To make things short the dude was really messed up. She was telling me that my dad tried to help her but he wasn’t able to help a lot, she did mention that my dad was so worried of her safety that he even suggested that she ran away to Mexico for awhile until things calmed down. And my dad also told her to report him to the police and get a restraining order against him but I think she said that she never did it.

Luckily for her she was in a new relationship (which he is her husband now) and she explained everything to him, he understood her and he actually was face to face with her ex and told him to stop bothering her or he would do something about it. My sister told me that after he did that, her ex stopped bothering her.

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