Facebook Avatar | How To Create Avatar On Facebook – Facebook Avatar App


Facebook Avatar | How To Create Avatar On Facebook – Facebook Avatar App: Have you heard of the latest feature that has been rolled out on facebook and messenger? If no, I have good news for you and your friends.

The good news is that facebook has just launched a new feature known as facebook avatar. Yes, I believe you are aware of what avatar is all about. Well, for the sake of this article, let me quickly outlined here that an avatar is a cartoony image that is your look-alike, though it doesn’t necessarily have to be a picture of you.

Yes, facebook avatar is a new facebook feature that lets its users create an avatar of themselves and use it to communicate with one another.

How to create facebook avatar is pretty simple and easy. Interestingly, every user that can access the facebook avatar can customize it with a variety of faces, hairstyles, and outfits.

Once you have customized the avatar the way you wish, you can use it in your Facebook comments, stories, profile picture, and in Facebook Messenger chat windows. They’re similar in style to Bitmoji and Apple’s Memoji avatars.

Facebook Avatar App

Facebook avatar doesn’t have a separate app, It is a built in feature on the giant social media platform. This article will show you how to access facebook avatar on your facebook app and on facebook website.

Note: Facebook avatar is note available to every facebook user at the moment. So if you follow the procedure we’ve outlined below and can’t access the facebook avatar, don’t worry you will get to use it soon as facebook will continue to make it available to all users in the near future.

How To Use Facebook Avatar On Facebook & Messenger

Here are the steps you will need to follow to locate facebook avatar.

  1. Open your facebook or Messenger or the comment box anywhere on FB.
  2. Navigate to the post you wish to use the avatar on and click the sticker button next to the text box. If the option’s rolled out to you, you should immediately see an option to “Make Your Avatar.”
  3. Select this and get started.

How Use Avatar On Facebook App

The process involved in creating avatar on your facebook app is not tough at all. Follow the below guide:

  1. Turn on your facebook app on your device by tapping on from your phone menus.
  2. Next, if you are using iPhone or iPad, scroll to the bottom of the app and tap on the three lines icon. The icon can be found at the top right corner of the facebook app.
  3. On the page that appears, navigate down and tap See More button to display more options.
  4. On you are done with the above step, you will see other options, just choose Avatars.
  5. Now, you will need to Tap on the Next button
  6. Next, tap on the Get Started option
  7. Choose your preferred skin tone
  8. When you are done selecting your preferred skin, tap Next.
  9. Select the hairstyle for your avatar. Bear in mind that you choose to select Short, Medium Or Long for a variety of styles.
  10. Tap the Color icon once you are done selecting your hairstyle
  11. Your next step of action is to move on to your avatar’s Face icon. Here, you will be able to select the face shape, complexion and face lines.
  12. Once you are done with the above step, tap the Eye icon. Select an eye shape, color and lash length. Then move on to the Eyebrows icon and select the brow shape and color. You can also add glasses.
  13. To continue, choose your nose shape and then move on to your lips shape. You can also add a lip color and facial hair.
  14. Choose your body shape. Select an outfit that you like best. You can also choose to add a hat, scarf or cat ears to your avatar’s outfit.
  15. When you are done customizing your avatar, you will need to tap the check mark icon in the upper right corner.
  16. Tap on the Next button
  17. Lastly, tap Done.

That is how to make an avatar on facebook. It is that simple.

Bear in mind that you can always use the facebook avatar you have created.

Yes, to locate your avatar on facebook, simply tap on the smiley face icon in the Write a comment section of Facebook.

That is it on Facebook Avatar | How To Create Avatar On Facebook – Facebook Avatar App.

I hope this article was helpful.

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