How to Meet up with people safely

How to hook up with people safely.

8 Rules You Must Follow If You’re Going To Meet Up Safely

Do you want to take a vacation from dating and spend some time hooking up casually? That isn’t a problem at all. In fact, it could be just what you require right now. Hookups, on the other hand, aren’t as carefree as they appear. Things might quickly go awry, which is why you must adhere to a few guidelines. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your casual encounters by doing these eight things.

1. Be Clear On Expectations.

Make sure you’re both on the same page before you start trading fluids. Do you have feelings for them romantically? Are you attempting to move on from your ex? Clear and honest communication will save you both from future heartbreak, but you must speak out. Don’t take it for granted that they can read your mind, and don’t take it for granted that you can read theirs. Be honest about your expectations so you can both walk away if necessary.

2. Use Protection.

Even if they say you’re the only one they’re sleeping with, that doesn’t mean you’re the only one they’re intimate with. Always use protection while hooking up (if you catch our drift). Bring things to a close. Use condoms on yourself if they “don’t like condoms.” The lesson is that you should always defend yourself, even if you believe you are safe.

3. Make Sure There’s Consent.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever relied on drink to get you through a stressful situation. Isn’t there a large number of hands raised? While there’s nothing wrong with taking a couple of shots, it’s critical that you’re able to give consent. Both of you should be willing, at ease, and well-informed about what you’re doing.

4. Be Respectful.

When it comes to our bodies, we’re all sensitive and insecure about something, so don’t judge the size of their penis or breasts. It’s rude and hypocritical because you wouldn’t want to be judged. Being respectful is important for every relationship, even when you’re casually hooking up.

5. Ask About Their Sexual Health.

You shouldn’t sleep with someone if you don’t feel comfortable asking about their sexual health. Honestly. You have every right to know when they last had a sexual partner and if they’ve ever had an STD. After all, you’re sharing your body. You don’t need to know everything about them, but you do need to be aware of their sexual habits.

6. Take The Lead.

In hook up culture, the traditional “sex rules” don’t apply. Anyone, including you, has the ability to make the first move. That’s what makes it so fantastic! To spare their feelings, you don’t have to hide your dominant personality. You may finally let your inner tiger out and take command without fear. Are you a slacker? That’s fine as well. Allow them to do all of the work while you relax and enjoy yourself.

7. Make Sure You’re Satisfied.

What is the point of hooking up if you aren’t having fun? You are entitled to be as happy as they are, if not happier! Make decisions that feel good to you, and don’t be hesitant to ask for what you want. We’re not advocating you become combative (unless you and your partner are into it), but if you’re unhappy, speak out. They’re probably unaware that you’re dissatisfied. Tell them so that they can make a change in your favor.

8. Don’t Do Everything.

The issue with hooking up is that it’s all too easy to step over a line. You don’t want to treat this person like a significant other, and you don’t want this experience to change your perspective on love and sex. But how can you maintain your composure? We can do this by keeping some things sacrosanct. Keep oral sex between you and your everlasting mate. Don’t kiss, don’t snuggle, and don’t kiss. These are merely recommendations. It’s up to you to figure out what’s most important to you.

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