How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explained

How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explained: Do you know you can monitor friend requests on Facebook?

Here is a guide on how you can easily monitor or keep track of all friend requests on Facebook.

We have included pictures in the course of the guide to help ease understanding of the concept we are trying to put across to you.

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How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explained
Friend Requests
I love Facebook. I am able to stay connected to friends and family. Who needs to pick up the National Enquirer or Star Magazine in the checkout area at the grocery store?

There is enough drama on some folks’ Facebook timelines to pass your time and allow you some chuckles.

See: What Is Facebook Marketplace?

Oftentimes on Facebook, you may get Friend requests that you need to approve or remove.

Have you ever been on the opposite side of the friend scale and sent someone a friend request and they did not respond? If you’ve ever received a friend request on Facebook and decided to simply ignore it, thinking that whoever sent it won’t ever know, well think again.

Friend Denials 
The pain, the agony, the defeat, the biggest blow to your ego to have someone not “Friend” you back or approve your request.

What did you do to tick them off? 
Sheesh! Don’t they know you are waiting with bated breath to read their insights on their timeline? Until they approve your request, you are left in the dark… cold and hungry, feeling sorry for yourself.

How To Monitor Friend Requests 
There is a way to monitor all those you have sent Facebook Friend requests to who have not responded.

You will not receive a notification if someone turns you down, or you unfriend someone.

Oftentimes, I have forgotten who I sent Friend Requests to, as so much time has elapsed that I have heard nothing back.

I am here to tell you that you can see every single person who has rejected, or not responded, to your Facebook Friend Request. Sit tight and curb that enthusiasm while I guide you through the steps:

1. Log into Facebook and tap on the icon on the toolbar in the top right corner that looks like two little silhouettes. (aka the “Friend Request” icon)

How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explained

2. Scroll down the page and click “See all” at the bottom

3. On the next page, you will see a little “View Sent Requests” link. Go ahead, you know you just want to and give that a click.

How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explained

4. Check out the list. At this point, take a deep breath and don’t act impulsively by sending those who are ignoring you angry, or passive-aggressive eMails.

Cry, eat a bowl of ice cream, drown your sorrows in a good bottle of wine.

Request their Facebook Friendship again… repeat… and the beat goes on and another day passes on Facebook.

That is it on How To Monitor Friend Requests On Facebook Explain. please share this post!!!

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