Free Facebook Stores – Facebook Shops | Free FB Marketplaces – FB Market

Free Facebook Stores – Facebook Shops | Free FB Marketplaces – FB Market: What is the ‘free facebook stores’ all about? 
Do you know? 
Well if you don’t know about it I will be telling you all you need to know about the facebook stores feature.

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But come to think of it what would prompt someone to want to make use of this Facebook feature. 
Free Facebook Stores – Facebook Shops | Free FB Marketplaces – FB Market
Making use of this feature may result from a lot of things. You might have heard of this facebook feature before and all of the added benefits associated with using it and therefore want to try it out.

Or maybe you are looking for a way to sell your products online and your budget does not allow for added expenses.

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Do you know that facebook lets its users sell their products on facebook free of charge?

I mean facebook users get to sell their products on facebook without being charged and without them paying any token or sum.

Now, I have written, but I haven’t really explained what the facebook store really is.

For the benefits of those who don’t know of this platform of facebook here is what the facebook store is.

The facebook store is a facebook feature or function where users can list items and products for sale. Here on this platform users can sell directly to other facebook users.

Other facebook users can also visit these stores to buy items from around them for great prices.

This facebook feature is one of the greats of facebook.

This is because with this feature there is never a dull moment.

Features of the Facebook Store 
The reason why people make use of this facebook feature and function is the features they get to enjoy when they are using it.

If you are looking for reasons before you can start making use of this facebook feature, here are some of the notable features of this platform.
1. It is completely free and easy to set up a facebook store.
2. Facebook does not charge you for any sales or purchases.
3. Your products get exposed on a global level and scale.

Those are some of the features of the platform on facebook that makes people use it.

How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free 
Setting up a facebook store should be the next move for you if you want to sell your products online. To set up a facebook store follow the steps below;
1. On your facebook page you will find a tab with the caption ‘add a shop section’ under your cover photo.
2. Click on the tab. on the next tab click on the ‘add a shop section’.
3. Set up your shop details on the next tab like your shop name and description.
4. Set up your shops payment methods.
5. Start adding products to your shop or store.
6. Once you are done adding products set your shipping settings.
7. Finish with your shop settings.
8. Manage your shop orders.

Once you are done with all these, click on finish. Follow the steps above carefully to successfully set up your facebook store.

That is it on Free Facebook Stores – Facebook Shops | Free FB Marketplaces – FB Market. Pleaseshare!!!

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