View to See My Facebook Profile As Someone Else Does | How To View Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else

View to See My Facebook Profile As Someone Else Does | How To View Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else: Do you know you can view your Facebook profile as someone else?

Let’s consider how you can get that done in this post.

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See What Other People See On Your Facebook Timeline: While it is not easy to determine who has viewed your profile on Facebook recently, you can easily find out what another Facebook user would see if they visit your profile.

View to See My Facebook Profile As Someone Else Does | How To View Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else

And this simple little feature has important implications both for security and marketing. So if you wish to view your profile the way others see it, follow the steps listed below.

Why Check Out Your Profile As Someone Else Might? 
Security Reasons –Ensure friends are seeing the right stuff, others are only seeing the allowed stuff, while the general public is not seeing too much and the user you have blocked is not seeing anything.

Marketing –To the marketers and advertisers on Facebook, This is something you cannot do without because you need to see how people see your adverts, how admiring your posts are and so many other reasons regarding your brand.

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Viewing Your Timeline (Profile) As Someone Else 
We will show you two different ways to navigate to the “view as” feature in this section of the article.

1. From your profile, click on your name in the upper left hand corner of the Facebook page to go to your Facebook Timeline. Near the lower right hand corner of your cover image, you will see a settings icon click on this icon and a drop down selection will come up. In this dropdown menu, select “View As…”

2. The second alternative to navigate to the “view as” feature on your Facebook account is from the upper right hand corner of your Facebook page after you sign in, you will notice a little padlock icon just to the right of your name. Open up this dropdown. Then select “Who can see my stuff“, and then click “What do other people see on my timeline? View As…“

3. The “View As…” bar now shows up near the top of your Facebook profile and indicates which privacy group (Public… Friends of friends… Friends… and so on) or individual you are currently viewing Facebook as. You can easily close it, once you are done, by clicking the X.

Things to Check When Viewing Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else 
Well everyone knows what he/she would like to check before trying this out, but let us point out important things you need to check

1. Try to check Your Timeline Itself. Look at individual posts

2. On the left sidebar on your timeline, look at different options such as “likes” and “places” etc.

3. Tap on the About tab and look at your “city”, “home town”, “places” “photos”, “email address”, “phone number”, etc.

4. Lastly, you can also check out the “Friends” and “more” tab but most of these items are accounted for in the left sidebar of the timeline at this time.

That is it on View to See My Facebook Profile As Someone Else Does | How To View Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else. Please share!!!

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