How to Unfriend Someone on FB Step By Step

How to Unfriend Someone on FB Step By Step

How to unfriend someone on FB – In this post, I’m going to show you how to unfriend someone on facebook step by step.

In fact:

This facebook post will expose you to the techniques I used to proffer an answer to the question: how do I unfriend someone on facebook?

So if you’re in dire need of a guide on how to unfriend someone on FB, this article got you covered.

Interestingly, during the course of this article, we’ll also attempt to proffer answers to the following questions:

How do I unfriend someone without them knowing?

Can someone tell if you unfriend them on Facebook?

What happens when you unfriend someone on Facebook?

What is the difference between unfriend and block on Facebook?

How can I tell if I have been blocked or unfriended on Facebook?

Does block mean unfriend?

When you unfriend someone can they still see your profile?

Does blocking automatically unfriend?

How do I permanently delete blocked friends on Facebook?

Can you permanently delete someone from Facebook?

Can you delete blocked list on Facebook?

Can I hide my blocked list on Facebook?

Let’s dive right in.

The facebook social media platform has a lot of interesting features that allow users to control the people they connect with on the platform.

Facebook unfriending is one of those features.

Perhaps you had a rift with someone in real life and wish to stop interacting with them on facebook, the unfriend feature lets you do that with ease.

When you unfriend someone on facebook, the person will be removed from your facebook friends list.

In the same vein, you that unfriended someone on FB will also be deleted from their friends list also.

However, the people you unfriended on facebook will not be notified about the action.

In other words, if they don’t care about that, they won’t figure out that you have unfriended them.

Howbeit, your close friends and loved ones can figure out that you’re no longer on their list of facebook friends.

This post is all about how to unfriend someone on fb step by step.

How To Unfriend Someone On Facebook Fast

The process involved in deleting someone from your facebook friends list is very simple and easy.

If you’re using your personal computer to access the facebook platform, follow the below guide to figure out how to unfriend someone on fb step by step:

  1. From, log into your Facebook account
  2. Locate the name of the person on your facebook newsfeed and click on it. If however, you don’t see their names, go to the top of any facebook page, type their name in the search facebook section and click on the search button. Look for their names in the list of results that appears and click on their profile name once you come across them
  3. Go to bottom of their facebook cover photos. hover your mouse on the Friends button and click Unfriend from the dropdown menu

Note that if someone you wish to unfriend on facebook has deactivated his/her fb account, the above procedure won’t allow you to unfriend them.

However, there is a way you can still hover about the facebook platform to unfriend people that have deactivated their accounts.

How To Unfriend People That Have Deactivated their Facebook Account

To unfriend someone that has deactivated Facebook, do the following:

  1. On your Facebook newsfeed, click your name at the top right corner
  2. Go to the bottom of your Facebook cover photo and click friends
  3. Scroll down the list of your facebook friends and you should see the name of the person. Now, hover your mouse on the friends button at the far right of the name of the person and click Unfriend from the dropdown menu

That is how to unfriend someone on fb using your personal computer.

How To Unfriend Someone On Fb App

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device
  2. Tap on the search button at the top right corner of any Facebook app and type the name of the person in the search bar at the top of the facebook app and tap on the name of the person once it popup
  3. Tap on their profile name to continue to their facebook newsfeed and tap on the friends button at the bottom left of their profile photos
  4. Lastly, tap unfriend at the bottom of the popup menu and you’re done

That is how to unfriend people on facebook fast.

How to Unfriend People That Have Deactivated Facebook App

To unfriend someone that have deactivated Facebook, do the following:

  1. Tap to open the facebook app on your mobile devices
  2. Tap on your facebook profile photo at the top left corner of the app
  3. Now, scroll down the page and tap friends next to their name
  4. Lastly, tap Unfriend from the popup menu and you’re done

That is how to unfriend someone that have deactivated facebook account.

When you unfriend someone can they still see your profile?

Yes. The people you’ve unfriend on facebook can still see your profile on the giant social media platform. However, they will only see things you shared with the public.

This is because they are no longer your Facebook friends.

Can you permanently delete someone from Facebook?

If you don’t want someone to see your facebook profile, you can choose to block them.

Blocking people on facebook restrict them from adding you as friend, tag you in comments or post, invite you to join facebook group or like facebook business page and lots of other.

Interestingly, unlike unfriending someone on fb, people you’ve blocked can’t search you on facebook.

So, in a nutshell, you can permanently delete someone from Facebook by blocking them.

However, you can undo the block action by unblocking.

How can I tell if I have been blocked or unfriended on Facebook?

To figure out if you’ve been unfriended on facebook, go to your facebook friends list and search for the name of the person you’re suspecting to have unfriended you.

If you can’t found their name, don’t just conclude that they have unfriended you.

Take another step of action.

To do that, search for their name on facebook and if you find it, click on it to continue to their profile page.

If they have unfriended you you’ll see the add friend button.

On the other hand, people that have blocked you on Facebook won’t be found in your facebook friends list as well as facebook searches.

So if you’ve navigated through your facebook lists of friends and can’t locate them and also attempt to reach them through the facebook search option but to no avail, it may be that they have blocked.

Does blocking automatically unfriend?


Unfriend someone removes them from your facebook friend’s list and blocking also remove them from your friends list.

Does block mean unfriend?

The answer is no. To unfriend somebody on facebook is not the same as blocking someone on facebook.

Blocking someone on facebook is the action you take if you don’t them to access your facebook profile anymore.

Whereas, people you unfriend on facebook can still see you on the giant social media platform.

However, they are not on your facebook friends list.

How do I unfriend someone without them knowing?

The above steps on how to unfriend someone on fb allow you to unfriend someone without them knowing.

The reason is, they won’t be notified about it. So if you have someone you don’t want to keep in your facebook friends list, go ahead and delete them from the list.

Can you delete blocked list on Facebook?

Facebook blocked list is a section on the social networking website where all the people you’ve restricted from accessing your Facebook profile are kept for the time being.

If you’ve ever blocked somebody on facebook, you can follow the below steps to view your facebook blocked list fast:

  1. Log into your facebook account
  2. Tap on the triangular-shaped icon at the top right corner of your facebook page
  3. Click Settings from the dropdown menu
  4. Click Blocking at the left column of the page
  5. Scroll down to the Block users section of the page and you should see all the persons you’ve restricted from accessing your facebook profile.

Can you delete blocked list on facebooK? Well, depending on what you want, if you wish to remove all the persons you have on your facebook blocked list, you can click Unblock next to their name and click unblock on the popup menu and you’re done.

Do that to all your friends and you’ll successfully delete your facebook blocked list.

Note that if you unblocked someone you’ve blocked on facebook that you’ll need to send them a brand-new friends request and wait for them to accept it before you can reconnect with them.

How Can I block People On facebook?

To block someone on facebook, do the following:

  1. Click on their name to continue to their facebook newsfeed
  2. Go to the bottom right of their facebook cover photo and click on the three dots icon
  3. Click Block from the dropdown menu and you’re done

That is how to block somebody on facebook fast.

Can I hide my blocked list on Facebook?

Your facebook blocked list is buried in the heart of your account settings and no one can access it except they have account to your Facebook account.

In other words, people can only see your facebook blocked list if they know your facebook password or hacked into your account.

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