Who Blocked me on FB


Who Blocked me on FB:

Do you want to know who has blocked you on facebook? Or are you wondering: can I see who blocked me on facebook? This post is all about how to figure out who blocked me on FB. So if you are searching for a guide on how to tell whether someone has blocked you on facebook, this article has got your back.

Facebook as we all know doesn’t want you to know who blocked you. Knowing that you were blocked decreases your sympathy for Facebook. Therefore, they do everything they can to hide this information.

With about 2.3 billion users, Facebook is one of the major websites that shape our world. Over 60% of daily active users share, comment, like, and yes, block! It is obviously sad to see someone blocked you but there are always things to learn from our experiences on Facebook. Learning and improving starts by finding out who blocked you!

Who blocked me?

There is an obvious way of finding out who blocked you on Facebook. Simply ask a friend to search for that person’s name. If it shows up for your friend but not for you, it means he or she blocked you. Sorry!

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The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you’re not in.

Another way of finding the people who blocked you is by creating a second account and searching for that user in that account. However, Facebook doesn’t endorse second (fake) accounts.

If you have messages to that person at least once, you can also go to Facebook Messenger and search for his/her name. Once you find the previous conversation, try to message. If you can’t message, it means you were blocked.

Another challenging way of finding out this information is searching for the name of that person. Then compare the lists in All and People tabs. People who blocked you or deleted their profiles won’t show up in the People tab.

In conclusion, all these methods are time-consuming and their results are not guaranteed. In most cases, it is hard to distinguish the people who deleted their profiles from the ones who actually blocked you.

When you block someone, it automatically deletes that person from your Facebook profile as well.

Is there a way to unblock someone?

If you block someone, you can easily unblock that person by following the steps below:

Click the arrow icon at the top right of Facebook
Choose Settings
Click Blocking on the left side menu
Tap Unblock next to the name of the person you want to unblock

If someone unblocks you, unfortunately, there is not a way to lift that block. You can create a new account and send a friend request or you can communicate with that user by other ways (Instagram, phone etc.).

Is there any easier and automated way?

Yes! By using a simple service such as Unfriended by, you can automatically get email notifications if somebody blocks you on Facebook. It takes only 2 minutes to sign up.

Afterwards, you should just look for notification emails. These emails will tell you who blocked you. Additionally, they tell who your new friends are and what is your total friend count.

This service pays off its membership fee quickly. Most of the customers report that they are surprised when they saw who blocked them.

It helps to manage their relationships and improve their online and offline social experience. For reviews from real customers, visit their Facebook page.

That is it on Who Blocked me on FB.

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