The impact of Job Satisfaction on employee productivity – Components of Job Satisfaction


The impact of Job Satisfaction on employee productivity: Job can simply be defined as a collection of tasks, responsibilities, duties assigned to a person, or an individual in an organization. The job can also be defined as a set of duties or responsibilities whose completion serves to further organizational objectives.
Satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job, that is satisfaction is the way and manner a worker or employee feels about his or her job.
Hence job satisfaction can be seen as the feeling people(Employees) have about their job, it is a pleasurable(or unpleasurable) emotional state resulting from the appraisals of one’s job, an effective reaction to one’s and an attitude towards one’s job. Job satisfaction can also be seen as an employee’s attitude towards the job, it is not the same thing as motivation, rather it is concerned with the attitude and internal state of an individual regarding a particular job.
Various questions have been asked regarding job satisfaction: for example, people tend to ask the following questions:

  1. Does job satisfaction affect staff behavior
  2. is high performance evidence of job satisfaction
    in summary job satisfaction does affect staff behavior because if a worker is satisfied with his work he or she would feel relaxed with the job and hence show off or exhibit good behaviors in the work place. and also high performance also tend to enhance job satisfaction because if an employee is satisfied his work he/she would tend to produce more.

The Components of Job Satisfaction
The foregoing points up the fact that a group of tasks constitutes a job as they constitute a position.
The major components of jobs are:

i. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: A duty is an aggregation of related tasks, distinct segment of work of one position, Asking the question “what of position and designation of job title usually identifies it for example a personnel officer in charge of recruitment in a firm is asked the question ‘’what do you do as a personnel officer (recruitment)’’ The answers he will provide are likely to be his duties. This is usually more than one duty in position.

ii. TASKS: A task is a separate identifiable activity which forms part of a duty. It is a unit work; an activity must be carried out to perform a duty. It is therefore usually identified by asking how personnel officer (recruitment) in an organization who may have outlined his duties in response to an earlier question ‘’what do you do’’ could further be asked as questions on how he carries out his of his duties. The answer he provides is likely to be the tasks of the job.

iii. REQUIREMENTS: These are the demands of the job in terms of knowledge, skill, attitude aptitude, and experience which must be possessed by the job holder in order to effectively carry out the job.

iv. ENVIRONMENT: This is the place where the job is to be performed.

v. PURPOSE: This answers the question ‘’way’’ of the job, that is, the reason for undertaking the job.

Employee satisfaction is the main aim of most managers, it is said that a satisfied employee has a better attitude to work. It is believed that satisfaction would lead to higher productivity. Finding point to the fact that satisfied employees are not necessarily productive employees. Thus there is no consistent correlation between productivity and job satisfaction.

Commenting on the lack of correlation between employee satisfaction and productivity, Kahn observed there are no significant relationships that were discovered between any of the indexes of satisfaction and productivity of work group. In other words, employees in a highly productive work group were no more likely than employees in low producing groups to be satisfied with their jobs and the company or with financial and status rewards.
An employee who is satisfied and motivated is an ideal employee. What satisfies an employee is many and varied. factors such as sex, age, job level, personal characteristics of job holders level of education, income level supervision, relationship with co-workers, size of works group (and job content e.t.c).

Robert Owen(1949), Henry foal(1949) and Elton mayor (1946) and recently Douglas mc Gregor (1960) see the problem of increasing productivity as a human problem and not a mechanical one, Robert believed that productivity of his work was influenced by many factors including keeping the equipment in good order and paying attention to the individual work.
Workers who he referred to as the ‘’vital machine’’ reported that his attention to workers’ interest attitude and sentiment results in a solo return on investment. He advised the other, managers that movement of minds of the workers are just s important as the movement of the various part of the machine and should be treated it care and kindness, that its mental movement does not experience too much irritating friction. Before this time, there was little concern for the individual worker other than trying to keep him busy and pushing him for much output.
The very idea of the voting large segment of time talking to employees about what they want and the manager’s aid does not consider how they feel significant.
Recruitment Process and Productivity Recruitment and Selection
Is defined as that human resource activity that seeks t apply applicants with tHe necessary skill and motivation to upset shortages identified in employment planning.
According to A.S Abdulaiman and S. Suleiman (2010), every organization needs just not manpower but the qualified one in the right quantity and quality it is therefore very important that employees should be taken seriously because every organization is what the workers make of it and no organization can achieve its sets objectives if workers are not committed to its realization.

The impact of Job Satisfaction on employee productivity - Components of Job Satisfaction

After worker has been hired to work for an organization, one striking thing about them is that they have different backgrounds through they may have the same qualification. Also by having not worked for that organization before, they may not have an in-depth knowledge of the techniques, procedures, and culture of the organizations.
As people work and rise in the hierarchy, they take on more responsibilities and this equally brings us to the topic of those chapters which is training and development.

it is common for people to see training and development pass the same thing. However, it is pertinent to point out that through, they are similar they are the same thing training is any learning activity which is directed towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task.

Ivacevich (1994) sees training as the systematic process of attracting employees’ behavior to further organizational goals. Hellriegel and solocum (1996) define training as improving an employee’s skill to the point where he or she can do the current job.

On the other hand, development refers to any learning activity which is directed towards future needs rather than present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance (Cole 1993) the intent of development program is to improve an employee’s conceptual and human skill in preparation for further jobs.
From the above, it is now clear that there is a major difference between them through both of them are geared towards increasing or improving skills that will assist them in their immediate task. Development on the other hand is concerned with teaching the workers more general skills that will assist them in career growth thereby equipping them for the future.

Training need refers to any defiance of skills or knowledge on the part of the employee which can be remedied through training when the performance of workers is notably poor and cannot be improved through motivation and simplifying the work procedures, the training need has arisen. Also when an organization adopts a new system of operation or buyers new machines that are quite different from the ones currently in use then a training need has clearly arisen

The salary increase, this has to do with the addition to the (Daily, Monthly, Yearly) pay of a worker for work been done.
In the life of everyone, there is usually a desire to obtain or achieve something and in order to do so, he or she gets a job, so as to earn pay, the basic aim of getting the job is to earn a pay so if that pay is increased over time it would bring about improvement of productivity in the life of the employee.
An employee whose salary has been increased would be satisfied with his or her work, and it is believed that a satisfied employee has a better attitude to work.

Can simply be seen as the movement of a worker from a lower position or rank to a higher position in a company or organization.
Promotion occurs due to an employee’s qualification or attitude towards work. It at times comes with a salary increase.

This can be seen as the extra amount of money that is added to the payment of a worker, for special work been done or specific attitude exercised in the place of work. Bonuses are in the form of a reward to workers.
Bonuses enhance productivity because an employee, who has been given a bonus, would like to work more so as to receive more bonuses from the organization

A good
relationship or teamwork enhances productivity because in an organization where there is unity it would also motivate the worker to work better.
Teamwork can also be seen as the activity of working together.

Problems faced in attaining employee productivity.
· Inadequacy of fund
· False reports
· Fear of failure
· Relationship
· Inadequacy of fund: an organization may have the intention of motivating it workers, but the insufficient fund in the organization would hinder them from doing so.
· False reports: an organization who has the idea of motivating a particular worker, may receive a false report about that worker and will start having second thought about that worker, and may at the end fail to motivate them.
· Fear of failure: an organization may have it in mind to motivate it workers, but the fear of failing may hinder them. In the sense that they fear that if they try motivating the workers the workers may feel like they are not doing enough and in such reduce their productivity effort.
· Relationship: an organization who does not have a good relationship with its workers, may not be able to enhance productivity, because the workers would think that it is not my organization and after all the organizational head does not treat or communicate with us well.

i. Trust: every organization should learn to trust its workers, and forget every false report brought by another worker or outside because it can help in the process of enhancing productivity.
ii. Confidence: the organization should also have confidence in every one of its activities so that employee productivity enhancement can be achieved.
iii. Every organization should try to establish a good relationship network with it, employees, because that is the basis of employee productivity enhancement.
iv. Organizations should estimate the budget for the spending of an organization so as not to run short of funds in running the activities of the organization.

That is it on The impact of Job Satisfaction on employee productivity – Components of Job Satisfaction.

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