Dating safety tips for college students

Dating safety tips for college students
Young Couple at College

6 College Dating Safety Tips

Young college students hear about how to stay safe when dating at Freshman Weeks all throughout the country. The new freshmen class at Princeton University puts on an annual play called “Sex on a Saturday Night” to stimulate discussion about safe dating practices. Every year around Valentine’s Day, Saint Marys College of California promotes awareness of women’s issues and safe dating practices.

You’ve probably seen movies like “The Roommate” or “Swimfan” where dating arrangements go horribly wrong, or heard some terrible, true incidents on the news. There are, however, some rather basic strategies to keep oneself safe as an educated, responsible college student.

Most campuses also have a blue light system, which allows you to identify a blue light (an actual blue light) near the busy sidewalks and inform the police or sound an alarm if you’re in an unsafe position.

1. Stay in Your Comfort Zone

Encourage your date to stay as near to you as possible. Stay on campus if you only feel comfortable there. Many campuses offer cafés or restaurants where you could meet for coffee or have your first date.

Most campuses also have a blue light system, which allows you to identify a blue light (an actual blue light) near the busy sidewalks and inform the police or sound an alarm if you’re in an unsafe position.

2. Use Your Circle of Friends

Meeting possible dating partners through individuals you trust is a terrific method to feel assured that they won’t drive you insane. Your roommate could have a cute sibling, or a teammate could have a sister you adore. Your pals may vouch for each other and even offer advice on how to make it work.

3. Stay Connected

Make sure you stay in touch with friends or family while on the date. The New Agenda, a women’s advocacy group, recommends informing someone about your date’s 5 W’s: who you’re going out with, where you’re going, when you’ll be returning, what you’ll be doing, and why you’re going out with this person.

4. Set Up a Safety Call or Text

This might be as easy as a pal calling to check in at a certain hour. Alternatively, you may create a word or phrase that signifies whether everything is fine or if there is a problem. Make sure someone knows where your date is going you and when you expect to return. Also, as stupid as it may seem, make sure you have Campus Safety’s phone number memorized in case of an emergency.

5. Drink Responsibly

If you’re going to a pub or a party and decide to drink, take it slowly. When alcohol is present, dangerous scenarios are more likely to occur. Keep an eye on your drink as well. Don’t leave your drink sitting around because date rape medications are easily placed into mixed drinks and soda cans.

6. Find Out about Previous Relationships

This is critical for men and women alike. Although it may be “taboo” to discuss former relationships on the first date, Made Man, a men’s publication, recommends that everyone learn about their present partner’s ex-girlfriends or boyfriends at some time. This can provide you with not only useful information on harmful ex-partners, but also pointers on how to make your relationship work.

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