The Top Educated Tribes In Nigeria 2023

The Top Educated Tribes In Nigeria 2023

Higher education is the bedrock of a nation’s development. There are numerous communities in Nigeria, and not all of them value education. Education is essential for a nation; without educated citizens, who will be able to succeed the nation’s current leaders? Where will a nation’s youth wind up if they do not receive an adequate education? In Nigeria, there are a large number of highly educated people, and education is a top priority, as many parents now compel their children to attend school, and those who cannot afford to do so are willing to borrow. This resulted in the display of this article about Nigeria’s 10 most literate tribes.

Many times, it is stated that a man’s status in society is determined not only by his fortune, but also by his academic credentials. There have been numerous debates regarding the most educated tribes in Nigeria; some say the Yoruba, while others say the Igbos. But this article will put your mind at ease, as we will briefly explain why we have ranked these communities as the most educated.


1. Yoruba 

I know a lot of you will argue with me because of this. Actually that is the truth, you can’t enter an educated Yoruba man’s house and see or find that his children are not educated. It is not possible when we talk about the Yoruba people, majority of them are educated folks, that is why mostly you see them on every high seat in the country. Yoruba’s is one tribe that impress me a lot in the aspect of education, they pressurized their children in going to school, and most times up to a higher degree level when they can afford it. We have so many popular poets who are Yoruba like Wole Soyinka, Nigi Osundare, Olatubosun Oladapo, and many others.

2. Igbo

I know lots of people will get angry about putting the Igbos at the number two spot. Now let’s talk about them. The Igbos are educated when I mean educated they are and they are smart. Igbos are one of the most populated tribes today, when it comes to education many push them aside saying an Igbo man is only good in terms of business. I know lots of Igbos who are topping the charts in terms of education and they have built companies and own large properties in the country. We also have people like Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda, and many others. Do you know that the owner of Diamond bank is an Igbo man whose name is Pascal Dozie, I know you will tell me it is because money is involved, but it’s a lie without the right education he will not be able to build up that bank to that level. So now you will have to agree with me they deserve to be on the number two spot.

3. Hausa 

If they are one of the most populated tribes in Africa and if they are not on the list of the top educated tribes in Nigeria, then they are not doing well. Yes the Hausa’s made it to the top 3 list. We have lots of educated Hausas in this country Nigeria. Many believe the Hausas are based on farming alone when the truth is that they are also many of them who are educated in the country. We always have them at the high ranking posts in Nigeria, so what do you think?

4. Edo 

The Edo people are number 4 on the list, they are also one of the most educated tribes in the country. The Edo people are good in terms of education, academically they are stable and they also do well. Edo state is filled up with academically individuals, many do not believe that the Edo people are educated, because of their environment and their way of life, but they are.

5. Urhobo 

The Urhobo people top the No 5 on this list of most educated tribe in Nigeria. Go to an Urhobo family and see if he does not have a son or daughter who is a lawyer, actually feel it’s a joke, well its absolutely true. With their nature of dominating the Delta state region, they now send their children to school, in fact they do everything possible to make sure that their children are in school.

6. Itsekiri  

The Itsekiri people are part of the tribe of the people who live in the Delta region. They are known for their rich culture and lots of things. Being an Itsekir man clearly means a lot of things, you should be educated, even though you are not, your kids should be. Many of them educate their children to enable them to take big positions in some companies. They even go abroad to send the child to further their education if this is possible.

7. Ijaw  

We all know the Ijaw people when it comes to the oil jobs, they always want to be in that position. Ijaw tribes are also educated people they hold big positions in different companies. The Ijaws are known for their involvement in the crude oil in the country, so I believe when they send their children to school, they offer a course that fits this range, so that they can also work and focus on that part of the industry. The Ijaws are said to have given out a lot and receive small in return, I guess through education they will be able to make a great change and positive effects in the economy.

In conclusion, we have nearly 370 tribes in Nigeria, and there are many tribes that you are unaware of. As you can see, refining this list down to the top five most educated tribes in Nigeria was both challenging and necessary. All of these served as the basis for research and discoveries. I am aware that other arguments have been presented, but if you do your own investigation, you will see that ours are the most convincing.

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