– In today’s post, I’m going to show you how to delete account online.
In fact:
This article will show you the techniques I used to cancel my account step by step.
Let’s dive right in…
For those of us that would want to know, Walmart is at the moment one of the best online e-commerce stores that can be accessed globally.
According to statistics, Walmart has generated a revenue of 485.57 billion dollars in 2016.

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When you sign up walmart online shopping account, chances are you’ve used it to shop one or two things.
Your Walmart account keeps tracks/stores your account stores your important data like your billing and shipping address and your credit card information.
Interestingly, you can also track your orders on Walmart to see when you will receive your purchase.
However, peradventure you decide that you no longer want to shop online at, there’s no button on the website that you can click to close your account.
Howbeit, the above statement does not imply that you are stuck with the account forever.
Far from it.
Interestingly, there are two basic ways of deleting walmart account at and app.
How To Delete Walmart Account by Sending Mail
1. Open your email account that is registered with account.
2. Now compose an email and enter the email address
4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account sample given here and click on the send button.
How To Delete Walmart Account through Website
1. Go through the following url “”.
2. On section choose the option USING WALMART.COM and then click on button EMAIL WALMART.COM.
3. Now you will be redirected to “what we can help with” page. here, you have to fill the detail mentioned below.
4. On Choose your Topic select SHOPPING WALLMART.COM.
5. On what we can help with? choose option MANAGE ACCOUNT.
6. Now scroll down a bit and you should see two tabs. One of the tabs is for Chat and the other one is for EMAIL, Now, choose the EMAIL TAB and fill out the form accordingly.
Lastly, click on button SUBMIT and you’re done. That is how to apply for walmart account deletion process.
Another way of getting that done is to:
1. first of all, visit via your browser
2. Log into your walmart account
3. Navigate to the bottom of the walmart homepage and click the “Contact Us” link under the “Help” heading.
4. Next, locate and click the radio button next to “Using” and then click “Email”
5. Select “Using” because it offers the choice for “Editing ‘My Account’ Details.”
6. Click the drop-down menu under “Please Help Me With” and select “My Account” and under the heading “Specifically,” select “Other.”
7. Type your request to cancel your account in the Comments field.
8. Verify your contact information is correct; your information is auto-populated in the various text fields. Make any necessary corrections.
9. Finally, choose “Submit.”
On click on the submit button in step nine above, you will receive an automated response from informing you that your message has been received.
Make sure you do not respond to this email. Because it will not go through.
To complete the account deletion process, will send you another email confirming that your request has been completed.
That is how to cancel walmart account step by step.
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