See Your Blocked List On Facebook: Are you looking for a guide on How to View Block List On Facebook? If your answer is yes, here is a post that teaches the complete process on how to access your facebook blocked list and unblock people you wish to. Interestingly, if you have blocked someone on facebook, to unblock them and start interacting with them again, you will need to locate your facebook block list. This post is all about how to see your blocked list on facebook step by step. Continue reading below and please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and loved ones!!!

If you are a facebook veteran, chances are that you probably may have gotten some of your friends on your block list, and perhaps you’ve had a change of plans about them. You’ve forgiven them, or they’ve called you via phone to let them loose from your list of blocked people.
See: how to see who unfriended you on facebook
However, you have a problem; which is “knowing the exact place where you access these blocked individuals” – worry no more as helping you to find out where your blocked friends are on Facebook is our priority. We will show you the simplified approach on how to check Facebook blocked users list so you can decide whether you want to unblock them or not.
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As we love saying, the very moment that you complete the Facebook sign up, your Facebook profile and account totally become yours, and you have every right to tush the settings up to your satisfaction. The security and everything within the Facebook account can be spiced up to give you a secure and at the same time, having the fun of your life.
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You can choose whatever settings available and do whatever you wish to use it for without taking permission from any third party (provided you are going against the Facebook Terms of use). Now, if you’ve made up your mind to pay a visit to your Facebook prisoners ( i.e., Your BLOCK LIST), it’s entirely up to you to decide. Our only mission here is to show you the route to where you kept your prisons (Facebook Blocked list).
This blocking feature is essential because some peoples just know how to overstep boundaries, and the only option is to block them. Blocking does two primary things; they unfriend the fellow and permanently block them from seeing anything about you so far as Facebook is concerned. Well, unless they use another users profile to search you or connect with you.
Facebook grants you and me the privilege to block and unblock people we perceive to bad, threat, or troublesome. You have a free pass ticket to block anyone bothering you on Facebook.
So how do you go about locating those friends or users that you’ve blocked on Facebook? We shall see how to access users blocked by you on FB.
Facebook keeps a record of every user you block, enabling you to see at a glance which users cannot contact you in any way when using the social networking website. Blocked users are not displayed in alphabetical order, but rather in the order in which you blocked them, from most recent to least. When viewing a list of blocked users, you can take only one action: unblocking that user. You can view the blocked list when accessing Facebook from your PC’s Web browser.
One good thing to do is to create a Facebook profile, and a big thing to do is to know how to use it. As you may have known already, sometimes you add friends who turn out to become a green snake in green grass and so you are left with no other tangible option than to unfriend them or permanently block them. In the course of this tutorial, we will tackle how blocking really works on Facebook.
Sometimes, as a result of the frequency by which people tend to mess around with your profile (you) on Facebook, you may wrongly or unknowingly block even people that are innocent… so you want to go back to cross-check if you have mistakenly blocked your innocent true friend(s). So, how do you get there? This post will help you figure out what button does what action as regarding UNBLOCKING!
How To Locate Your Blocked List On Facebook
Below are the steps to be taken in order to view all your blocked list.
To view your Facebook block list:
Click question mark icon on the top-right of any Facebook page
Click Privacy Shortcuts
Click How do I stop someone from bothering me?
Click View All Blocked Users.
How To Access Your Facebook Blocked List On On Mobile App
You can also follow the post below if you’re accessing Facebook via a mobile application
Step 1: Open Facebook app on your choice device.

Step 2: Tap on the menu button located in the upper right part of your screen.

Step 3: Scroll down and select the “Settings & Privacy” option.

Step 4: Find, tap or click on the “Blocking” option.

Step 5: Find and tap on the person you want to unblock.

Step 6: Tap on the “Unblock” button that shows up in the pop-up window.

So, there you have it.
Here is another explanation:
Social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter are the most popular services that aides easy communication with acquaintances of all forms for example friends, neighbors, business associates, or people you happen to come across online or in the real world. Most of the time, such communication is invited and welcome. At times, though, some of the communications may be unwelcome, and you find it necessary to disconnect from one of those people by blocking the person from your account. Facebook indeed offers several types of blocking, which are hidden away in various Settings that you may need to explore before getting access.
Here is how you can see the lists of those or what you blocked on Facebook. You can easily unblock them if you so decide.
Types of FB Blocking
You can block a person from seeing the material you post on Facebook, but there are several other types of blocking as well. You can block people from sending you an instant message, block apps from contacting you and block events from sending you invitations.
Managing Your FB Block Lists
Each blocking action on Facebook results in a block list that you can view to review who or what has been blocked. From those lists, you can unblock them if you choose.
How to Change Or Edit Password Settings On Facebook
Logging in to your account on Facebook through computer and navigate to the Settings menu, which can be located from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the page. You can also locate the Settings by typing “settings” in the Facebook search box and clicking or tapping on the “General Account Settings” result or be a blocklist pro by going to the page directly with the link
When you are on the Settings page, click “Blocking” to go to the Manage Blocking page, where you’ll find a list of seven types of blocking actions, from Restricted List to Block Pages. For each type of block, you can see a list of who or what is blocked. You can also unblock individual people or items.
You can access all these settings on your phone as well, but it’s much easier to view the full lists of blocking actions on the larger screen of your desktop or laptop computer.
Other Settings on Facebook
Provided that you’re in the Settings location, look for other Facebook options that you may intend adjusting to. There are so many opportunities you can test out for the over-all setup, including:
By allowing your FB location to be visible/seen ( or not)
By modifying or disabling Facebook’s face recognition software
By adjusting various Timeline and tagging options
By setting temperature information to only show in Fahrenheit or Celsius
That is it on See Your Blocked List On Facebook.
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