How To Suggest Friends On Facebook This Year 2024

How To Suggest Friends On Facebook This Year 2024

In this article, we will be discussing how to Suggest Friends On Facebook step by step. So if you are among the numerous facebook users and looking for a guide on how to use facebook suggest friends feature, this article has gotten you covered. Continue reading below:

How To Suggest Friends On Facebook: the process involved in suggesting friends on facebook is pretty simple and easy. Interestingly, every facebook user can easily suggest people at any given time. Follow the below steps to figure out how to suggest friends on facebook fast and easily.

  • First off, you will need to login your facebook account if you have not done that already
  • Next, you will need to go to the top right corner of the facebook page and click on your name
  • On performing the above steps, you will be taken to your facebook timeline. Now, you will need to locate and click on the Friends button below your facebook cover photo.
  • Click Suggest Friends.
  • Click Suggest Friend next to the friend you want to suggest. To find a friend, enter their name in the Search box.

Those are the steps you need to follow to suggest friends on facebook. However, it is important to note here that to suggest friends on facebook, you will need to be friends with both the person you’re suggesting and the person you’re suggesting them to.

Once you successfully suggest friends on facebook, both friends will get an invitation to add the other person as their friend.

That is it on How To Suggest Friends On Facebook This Year 2024. I hope this article was helpful. Kindly share it with your friends and loved ones!!!


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