You want to have your ex back?

You want to have your ex back

That relationship is over. She broke up with you. So, what should you do? First of all, Do no contact with her for at least 2 weeks(maybe a month or more, it depends how hard this break up is on you)

No calling, texting, liking her pictures or stuff on social midia( don’t check her social midia). It’s hard as hell, I know.

Even if she reaches out to you, wanting to talking and stuff, don’t do it. Say you need sometime to yourself to heal and would rather not talk to her.

This no contact is not for her to comeback to you, but for yourself to heal. Focus on yourself, in your career, in the things you like, workout, try to be a better person than before ( for you, not for her)

This time will make you see things more clearly. Now you are so sad and desperate to get her back. Was the relationship that good? If it was, why it ended? Think about what went wrong, were you too needy and clingy? Not having a life for yourself and only focusing on her? Were the things you were doing good for you and her?

Always be your first priority, always focus on you first, be the best version of yourself. Maybe she will come back, maybe not. However, remember you don’t need a partner to be happy, you just share your happiness in your life with your partner.

One more thing, I read once that women a like cats… if you start to run after the cat or trying to force it to stay, you will only get clawed in the face. So, let her go, improve who you are, I’m almost certainly of she doesn’t hear for you for while and still have feelings for you… she will check on you. Then she will see how you’ve changed. Now, if she doesn’t do that, she is not worth your worries. Good luck mate.

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