how to impress a girl

how to impress a girl

How To Impress A Girl In Chat Conversation (5 Lovely Tips)

Are you trying to figure out how to wow a female with your conversational abilities?

Do you find that your chats with the other sex go nowhere till she gets bored and leaves?

Would it be better if you could converse with her in a way that makes her want to learn more about you?

If that’s the case, you’ve come to the correct place. This article will show you how to impress a female during a conversation with 21 different moves.

But, before we start, I want to start to reveal the #1 mistake that men make during conversations with women they’re attracted to. 

That mistake is COMING ON TOO STRONG.

It’s tough for a lady to give you what you want if you make it too evident that you’re attracted to her.

She doesn’t want you or anybody else to think of her as a promiscuous lady, for starters.

Furthermore, it detracts from the exhilaration of the hunt. For her, there’s no longer any thrill in the seduction.

The trouble is that you won’t get anywhere with her if you don’t make enough of an effort.

So what is the solution???

Well, it’s difficult for me to convey it clearly here, but I can offer this lengthy account about how to effortlessly locate the sweet spot when it comes to expressing your desire to women.

It teaches you how to ‘under the radar’ flirt with women in a way that thrills her without making her feel sleazy.

With that out of the way, let’s look at some of my other suggestions for impressing a woman during a chat.

Impressing Someone Through Chat Apps

How many times have you tried to woo a female in person? What did it feel like when a female said yes to you every time? Isn’t it incredible? What about the first time you started a chat session with her to learn more about her?

It had to be either awkward or fascinating!

With the world being smaller in terms of communication and people becoming closer through chat applications, you have access to a diverse group of people. Girls, on the other hand, are inherently wary of people they don’t know, thus initiating a chat conversation with a new girl can be difficult.

There are ways to impress the girl without looking like a stalker or an unemployed person if you like her so much that you want to be more than her buddy. It’s safe to assume she’ll be on the lookout for telltale signals that you’re searching for a booty call, a friend to chat with, or someone to harmlessly flirt with.

If you succeed and the girl likes you back, the indicators that say “I want to impress you” will not deter her in the least.

This article will provide you with tips on ‘how to wow a girl in a chat conversation,’ which should assist you pique the interest of the girl you like through chat talks.

5 Ways To Impress A Girl In Chat Conversation

1. Be the one to always start the chat conversation

You should be the one to start the discussion if you’re trying to impress a girl you like. Send her SMS on a regular basis, and if she isn’t offended by your approaches, she will look forward to them.

Also, your conversation starters are quite important. She will either ignore or block you if your first texts are lame, nice, or outright filthy. Girls like it when a guy tries to impress them, but it doesn’t mean they have to like the way he goes about it.

2. Be patient with her even when she doesn’t give you much attention

If you’re seeking something you really want, you’ll remain patient even if it seems like it’s rejecting you. Likewise, as a devoted admirer, you must take your time to focus on establishing communication, whether or not she is aware of your efforts.

When she leaves your messages unread and you keep texting until she responds, your patience will shine through. The trouble is, leaving more than one message will make you appear desperate, so don’t do it.

“Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a while, I’m sure you’re really busy, but I thought I should check in on you to make sure you’re fine,” is the ideal way to handle a situation like this.

3. Give her the impression that you’re sincere with her

The best way to charm a girl in a chat session isn’t to tell her lies that she might discover later. You will do your best not to lie to her if you actually like her and want to proceed from online dating to physical meets.

She may not believe you until you prove yourself worthy, but rest certain that she will be on the lookout for telltale signals of sincerity or duplicity on your part.

4. Don’t put pressure on her to talk about herself

Even if you’re enthralled by her and want to learn everything there is to know about her, you should refrain from pressing her into sharing things she isn’t ready to reveal. People that are intrusive and inconsiderate will repeatedly inquire about experiences that are too painful to recall or personal information that isn’t their business.

If you sense she’s avoiding a certain question, be considerate enough to let it alone until she’s ready to discuss it.

5. Make efforts to know about her at her own pace

Don’t make the mistake of solely talking about yourself as a guy who is crazy about this girl. You should instead endeavor to learn more about her. You shouldn’t force the girl to open up to you too fast as a good guy, but you can still encourage her to discuss things with you that she feels comfortable expressing.

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