Facebook Store | How to Create a Facebook Store

Facebook Store | How to Create a Facebook Store

Facebook Store – How to Create a Facebook Store: Do you want a facebook store so bad but you don’t know how to go about it?

See: Free Facebook Stores – Facebook Shops | Free FB Marketplaces – FB Market

I will be putting you through everything you want and need to know about the facebook store. 
That’s what this article is all about. Now to the business of today.
Facebook Store | How to Create a Facebook Store
What is a Facebook store? 
A Facebook store is a page on facebook where you can sell your products and also buy products.

Many Facebook users have already started setting up various Facebook stores because they have seen the various benefits they can enjoy if they eventually engage with the platform.

See: Search Facebook Marketplace – Creating a Facebook Account | Find Stuff on Facebook Marketplace – Buy or Sell on Your FB Account

Just in case you have been looking for reasons to use this platform continue with the header below:

Why You Need A Facebook Store 
There are lots of reasons you need this as an entrepreneur or a business person. Maybe it is that you want assurance before you go in to this because of the experiences you have had with other platforms. But this very platform is a different one.

It has been tried and trusted. Facebook is a platform that is visited by over a billion active users monthly. Looking at this stat you can clearly see that the facebook platform is the ideal place to showcase your products.

How to Access Facebook Store Feature and Function 
In order for you to access the facebook store function of facebook you need to have a facebook page for your business. Or at least you need to be an active admin of a facebook page.

See: Add Store to Facebook Page – Facebook Store | How to Add Store to Facebook Page – FB Store

So therefore if you do not have a facebook page you need to create one for your business today.

To create a facebook page follow the steps below;
– On your device go to www.facebook.com/pages/create.
– On the next page, you will have to follow the on screen options to successfully set up and create a facebook page.

That’s all you need to create a Facebook page for your business.

How to Create a Facebook Store 
To create a facebook store for your business where you can showcase your products for potential and existing clients follow the steps below;

1. On your facebook page click on the ‘add a section’ tab just beneath the pages cover photo.

2. Click on the ‘add a shop section’ link.

3. You will need to agree to terms and conditions.

4. On the next page, you will have to set up your business details and payment details. You will need a stripe account to complete this very set up. If you do not have a stripe account you will have to create one before you proceed.

5. Describe what you sell and start adding products to your shop.

6. Lastly, access your shop’s settings and manage orders.

That’s all you need above. If you carefully follow the steps above your facebook store should be ready at any time.

That is it on Facebook Store | How to Create a Facebook Store. Please share this post!!!

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