marketplace buy sell and trade on facebook – In this post, I’m going to show you how to use the facebook marketplace buy and sell feature to trade on facebook.
In fact:
This article will expose you to the techniques I use to sell on facebook marketplace free of charge.
In essence, in the course of this post, we’ll attempt to cover:
> facebook marketplace categories
> Facebook marketplace buy and sell
> Marketplace Facebook Near My Local Community
> marketplace facebook buy and sell
And lots of facebook marketplace feature you need to know.
Let’s dive right in…

Facebook marketplace is a feature launched by the facebook social media platform to helps it over 3.2 billion active monthly users transact on the platform for free.
Although the feature is not available in all locations at the moment, every facebook user that can access the facebook marketplace buy and sell site can use it to buy and sell something they wish to.
Facebook Marketplace Cost
The cost of accessing the facebook marketplace and use it to buy and sell on fb is free of charge.
No Facebook user who is able to use the free online marketing platform is required to pay any hidden charges.
Facebook Marketplace Requirements
Before you can access the marketplace buy sell and trade on facebook, there are certain requirements you must meet.
Here are the credentials you need to buy or sell on facebook:
- Your Facebook account – Here, your fb account must be on the social networking platform for some time
- Your Age – You must be of age before you can use the facebook marketplace buy and sell feature. What that means is that you must be 18years of age and above
- Your Language – The language you use on facebook must be accepted on marketplace
- Your Location – To be able to access the marketplace on Facebook, you must be at locations that can access the marketplace feature at the moment
- Your Facebook app as well as web-version – Another requirement for accessing the facebook marketplace is that your facebook app must be updated to the latest version.
Those are the requirements you need to be eligible to use the facebook marketplace for trading online.
Why Can’t I Access Facebook Marketplace
If you feel you’ve satisfied the above requirements and thus eligible to use the facebook marketplace, you can use the facebook marketplace link: to see if you can use the marketing place feature at the moment.
That is the facebook marketplace website link. Click on it and if you are qualified ready to use the free marketing platform, you’ll be taken there straight up.
How Can I Find Facebook Marketplace?
To locate the facebook marketplace, you’ll need to do the following:
- Log onto your Facebook account from
- Go to the left column of any facebook newsfeed and you should see the marketplace icon
- Click on it and you should be taken to the facebook marketplace environment
That is how to locate marketplace facebook buy and sell feature on the website.
How To Locate Facebook Marketplace on Smartphone
To locate the marketplace on facebook app, do the following:
- Tap on the facebook app icon on your smartphone
- Tap on the menu button at the top right corner of the Facebook app if you’re using an android phone and at the bottom of the facebook app for iPhone users.
- Tap on the marketplace button and you should be taken to the marketplace platform. Bear in mind that you may need to tap on the see more button if you can’t find the marketplace button.
How Can I Sign Up For Facebook Marketplace?
The Facebook marketplace is a special feature on the Facebook social media networking site.
You don’t need to signup for the marketplace.
Once you create a facebook account, you’re automatically qualified to use the market place to buy and sell on facebook. lets you figure out if you can use the marketing platform to buy and sell things to and from people in your neigbhood.
Facebook Marketplace Buy Sell Nearby Me
This facebook feature lets you browse through the facebook marketplace categories to find items you’re interested in.
Interestingly, facebook buy and sell community is categorised into different segments and users can search through them for products they want to buy.
How to Buy in the Marketplace
To buy things that are allowed on the facebook marketplace,
You’ll need to first:
1. Get in the Facebook Marketplace
2. Choose the item you desire to purchase
3. Click “MESSAGE”
4. Send the seller a message for purchase and wait for the seller to reply to your message
How To Sell Things On Facebook Marketplace
To sell on facebook marketplace buy and sell community,
- Click on the marketplace icon at the left corner of your Facebook newsfeed
- On the marketplace platform, locate and click sell something
- Click Items for Sale
- Type in the title of your listing
- Upload your item photos
- Lastly, click Post and you’re done
That is how to list an item for sell on the facebook marketplace but and sell community step by step.
Facebook Marketplace Tips for Sellers
If you want to use the facebook marketplace to sell things, here are some tips for selling items on Marketplace:
1. Use a photo that clearly shows the item and its condition. If possible, include multiple, original photos of the item rather than a photo from a company website.
2. Add a detailed description of the item and its condition. Be sure to describe any stains or tears.
3. If you’re selling used clothing or shoes, make sure they’re as clean as possible.
4. If you’re selling personal hygiene items, these items should be brand-new and in the original, sealed packaging.
5. Before meeting the buyer, make sure you both agree on the price of the item and the exact location of your meeting place.
6. Have the buyer look over the item and make sure it’s what they want before you accept payment.
7. If you can’t meet the buyer at the time you both agreed on, message them and try to reschedule another time.
How To Edit Your Facebook Marketplace Listings
If you have listed an item for sell on facebook and wish to edit it, you can do the following:
- Click on the marketplace icon on your device
- Locate and click Selling at the top right corner of the facebook marketplace platform
- Now, click Manage next to the item you want to edit
- Next, click Edit Post
- Lastly, modify the post the way you like and click Post
That is how to edit facebook marketplace listing step by step.
How To Delete Your Facebook Marketplace listing
To delete a listing on marketplace, do the following:
- From, login your Facebook account
- Click the marketplace button on your newsfeed
- Click Selling at the top right corner of your facebook marketplace
- Click Manage next to the item you want to delete
- Select Delete Item and you’re done
That is how to delete facebook marketplace listing step by step.
How To Mark Products As Sold On Facebook Marketplace
To mark your listing as sold:
1. From, click Marketplace in the left menu.
2. Click Selling on the left.
3. Click Mark As Sold next to the listing.
It is important to note that after you mark the item as sold, the buyer of the item will receive a notification to rate you as a seller.
How To Mark An Item As Pending On Facebook Marketplace
To mark an item as pending on facebook marketplace, do the following:
1. From, click Marketplace in the left menu.
2. Click Selling on the left.
3. Click Mark as Pending next to the listing.
How To Mark Items As Sold On Facebook Marketplace
To mark your listing as available:
1. From, click Marketplace in the left menu.
2. Click Selling, then click Mark as Available next to the listing.
3. If your listing was marked as sold, click Sold at the bottom first to show your sold listings.
That is it on How To Find Facebook Marketplace Buy Sell Nearby Me – Marketplace Facebook Near My Local Community – Market place Facebook Categorie.
I hope this post was helpful!!!
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