Snapchat Friends – Here is a snapchat post on how to chat with a friend on the social media platform.
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This post will also teach you how to reply to a chat on snapchat and the steps you need to delete messages on snapchat fast and easy.

Thus, if you’re among the numerous users of snapchat and searching for a guide on how to start a chat, this article you covered.
How To start a chat with a friend on snapchat is very simple and easy.
Yes! As a snapchatter, you can start a new snapchat Chat with a friend, or jump back into an existing Chat on the social media platform.
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If you already have a Chat going with a friend, tap their name on the Friends screen to jump back in 👆
Snapchat also has a feature that lets its users also Chat with Groups so no one’s left out!
On the snapchat platform, you can even make voice and video calls right from a Chat!
How To Start A New Chat On Snapchat
To start a chat with a friend on snapchat, here are the steps you’ll need to follow:
- Log onto your snapchat account form
- To go to the snapchat friends screen, you will need to first and foremost swipe right from the Camera screen
- Next, you’ll need to locate at the top of the snapchat page and you should see the new chat icon. Click on it
- Use the search button to search for their snapchat name and then click on it once you see the profile you’re looking for.
- Lastly, find and click on the ‘Chat’ option
For those of us that don’t know, let me point out here that Chats sent between you and another friend on the Snapchat platform are deleted by default once you have both viewed the Chat.
Whereas those Snapchat Chats in Group Chats are deleted by default after 24 hours.
However, there is a snapchat feature that allows snapchatters to configure Chats to delete right after viewing them or delete 24 hours after viewing them.
So depending on what you want, you can use the snapchat settings to configure your chats.
When you configure or change your snapchat chat settings, both you and your friend will be notified about it.
That is to say that, you as well as your snapchat friend will see a message in the Chat that says the snapchat Chat setting was changed.
How To Change Your Chat Deletion Settings
To change when your chats delete on snapchat, follow the below guide:
- From, log into your account
- Swipe right from the Camera screen to go to the Friends Screen
- Press and hold on a friend’s name
- Click ‘More’
- Click ‘Delete Chats…’
- Click either ‘After Viewing’ or ‘24 Hours after Viewing’
That is how to change your chats delete on snapchat fast.
Peradventure you’re experiencing trouble while attempting to change your “Chats delete” option, you’ll need to ensure that you and your snapchat friend have the latest version of the app.
Another thing that is worthy of taking into consideration is that once you switch your chat deletion option from ‘24 Hours after Viewing’ to ‘After Viewing,’ then, previously viewed Chats on snapchat will disappear.
How To Reply A Chat On Snapchat
If your friends send you chats on snapchat, replying to those chats is not a big deal at all.
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Interestingly, Snap Reply lets snapchatters add a Chat message to a Snap like it’s a Sticker!
To send a Snap Reply in Chat…
- From, enter your email address or username and password and then click on the login button to continue to your account
- Next, click to open a Chat.
- Now, locate the chat you wish to replay and then Press and hold on it
- Once you perform step 3 above, you should see a ‘Snap Reply’ option. Click on it
- Finally, you’ll need to utilize the quoted Chat like a Sticker and reply with a Snap.
That is how to reply to a chat on snapchat platform without stress.
How To Send Cameos On Snapchat Friend
To Send Cameos to a friend on snapchat, you’ll need to click on the Cameos icon to create and then send Cameos.
How To Send Memories To Someone On Snapchat
To send a memory you’ve had with a friend on snapchat, do the following:
- Login your snapchat account and then locate and click on the Memories and Camera Roll icon to send Memories or photos from your device’s Camera Roll in Chat.
How To Save Messages On Snapchat
Since chats deletes immediately both you and your snapchat friends sees them, it is important you save importants messages you have had on snapchat.
Interestingly, the process involved in saving messages on snapchat is very simple and easy.
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Here is how to:
To save a message on snapchat, after logging into your snapchat account via the snapchat app or, snapchat official website, you’ll need to click on a message to save it.
Peradventure you have a change of mind about saving the snapchat message, you can click on the message again to Unsave them.
Note that snaphat Saved messages have a gray background, so everyone in the Chat would be able to see what messages have been saved.
Those are the steps you need to take to save messages on snapchat.
Now, let’s take a brief look at how to delete messages on snapchat.
Perhaps you don’t want to keep a message or chat on snapchat, you can delete.
the procedure for deleting snapchat messages is not hard at all.
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Here is how to:
Delete Messages on Snapchat – To delete a message on snapchat, you’ll need to navigate to the message and then press and hold on it.
Lastly, you will need to click on the ‘Delete’ option that popup.
That is how to delete snapchat messages. It is that simple.
However, before you proceed to click on the delete message button it is necessary you are aware that your friends will be able to see that a message was deleted in Chat.
Another thing is that worthy of noting is that your snapchat friends can always take a screenshot.
What Happens When I Delete A Message On Snapchat?
Interestingly, once you click on the delete a message option on the snapchat platform, snapchat will immediately attempt to remove it from their servers and your friends’ devices.
However, deleting your deleted messages from snapchat servers does not always if for instance someone has a bad internet connection, or is running an old version of Snapchat.
Thus, you may see your deleted chat/messages still appearing for a brief moment!
You can delete messages, Bitmoji, Memories, and photos sent from your Camera Roll. You can’t delete Snaps, or other Snapchatters’ messages, though.
How To Update Chat Settings On Snapchat
Every snapchatter can carry out Chat Settings on snapchat. If you’re among the numerous snapchat users, you can check out Friendship Profiles to manage Chat notifications, clear conversations, and more.
To update Chat settings on snapchat, you’ll need to access your snapchat account and then do the following:
- Open a Chat
- Tap your friend’s icon at the top to open their Friendship Profile
- Tap the Snapchat kebab icon at the top
- Tap the setting you want to update!
That is how to update your chat on snapchat platform fast and easy.
I hope How To Send Chat, Delete Messages On Snapchat Now was helpful.
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